Welcome to our Modern Marketing Blog

Modern Marketing Blogs by Vermilion Pinstripes

How we helped customers build business confidence in the first quarter of 2018

We have a very productive start to 2018. Time for reflection on a strong first quarter of this year.

With the goal of helping small business owners and B2B organisations in Asia make a difference, here are some highlights:

Topics: customer engagement marketing and sales alignment business confidence

How Marketing and Sales can succeed with Analytics


This article explains how Analytics could help you make smarter business decisions, create a responsive marketing strategy and align marketing to sales.

Topics: B2B marketing marketing metrics analytics marketing and sales alignment modern marketing

6 marketing metrics that will prove your Marketing RoI

73% of executives don’t believe that marketing drives demand and revenue. As a business owner and marketing professional, I sometimes wonder why we do marketing at all if most executives don't believe in marketing. Maybe marketing works and we as marketers are not presenting the results of marketing to prove its return on investment (RoI).

Topics: B2B marketing B2B lead generation marketing metrics analytics marketing and sales alignment
Vermilion Marketing | inbound sales, marketing and communications services for Port Macquarie businesses Vermilion Pinstripes | Everything you want to know about modern marketing techniques to grow your businesses in Port Macquarie Australia and Singapore