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Modern Marketing Blogs by Vermilion Pinstripes

Analysis should be inherent in every single thing you do with your marketing

There’s a very powerful force out there in Modern Marketing and it’s called Data. The advantages are huge if you collect data, apply analytics and interpret insights. Analysis should be a part of every single thing you do with your marketing. Anything you do - any piece of content you create, any campaign you launch, or any marketing action you undertake - should be analysed.


Topics: B2B marketing B2B lead generation analytics how to measure the effectiveness of marketing

Will Analytics help you do Digital Marketing Better?

Damn right it would! I am talking about Marketing Analytics which is NOT just web or social analytics and is beyond specific marketing metrics. Most importantly, I am referring to Integrated Marketing Analytics which is usually more people-centric, featuring the prospect, lead or customer as the unit of focus.

Topics: analytics how to measure the effectiveness of marketing
Vermilion Marketing | inbound sales, marketing and communications services for Port Macquarie businesses Vermilion Pinstripes | Everything you want to know about modern marketing techniques to grow your businesses in Port Macquarie Australia and Singapore