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Modern Marketing Blogs by Vermilion Pinstripes

A Strategy for Businesses to Thrive

The old saying that every cloud has a silver lining has never been truer than in these extraordinary times we’re all currently living through.

For small businesses, this situation is a heaven-sent chance to tread water.

The invisible spectre of COVID-19 stalking the globe has forced widespread isolation of communities and shutdowns of conventional business activities.

But in our Vermilion Pinstripes business sphere – where we always look for that silver lining to take full advantage of it – COVID-19 has also generated genuine by-products of hope and optimism for the future.

Topics: marketing technologies B2B lead generation Small Business Marketing business confidence SEO modern marketing business recovery coronavirus

Analysis should be inherent in every single thing you do with your marketing

There’s a very powerful force out there in Modern Marketing and it’s called Data. The advantages are huge if you collect data, apply analytics and interpret insights. Analysis should be a part of every single thing you do with your marketing. Anything you do - any piece of content you create, any campaign you launch, or any marketing action you undertake - should be analysed.


Topics: B2B marketing B2B lead generation analytics how to measure the effectiveness of marketing

How to work with PR for Lead Generation?

Working with a restaurant chain for B2C PR, there were always specific food reviewers that we target for our client. It’s been known that every time a positive food review is posted by these reviewers, the restaurants would be packed for at least 2 to 4 weeks straight. That’s the power of positive PR coverage.

Topics: B2B communications B2B marketing B2B lead generation brand-led strategy

Delivering business value in modern marketing - Creativity vs Content

Every marketer is expected to be highly creative and to create highly creative content. For several years, there was a huge hype on Content Marketing which Content Marketing Institute defines as ‘a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.’

Topics: B2B lead generation Content Marketing modern marketing

6 marketing metrics that will prove your Marketing RoI

73% of executives don’t believe that marketing drives demand and revenue. As a business owner and marketing professional, I sometimes wonder why we do marketing at all if most executives don't believe in marketing. Maybe marketing works and we as marketers are not presenting the results of marketing to prove its return on investment (RoI).

Topics: B2B marketing B2B lead generation marketing metrics analytics marketing and sales alignment
Vermilion Marketing | inbound sales, marketing and communications services for Port Macquarie businesses Vermilion Pinstripes | Everything you want to know about modern marketing techniques to grow your businesses in Port Macquarie Australia and Singapore