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Modern Marketing Blogs by Vermilion Pinstripes
Veronica Lind

Veronica Lind

As an entrepreneur, technologist and international marketer, I take pride in helping our local and international clients thrive - like when their revenue becomes stagnant, when their sales teams don’t seem productive or when their brand lacks clarity. I’m happy to have the opportunity to work closely with them to turn their business around, grow and help them stay Personable, Relevant and Admirable. At Vermilion Pinstripes, we harness art, maths, science and psychology to empower clients with the right strategies and initiatives to achieve their business vision quickly and within budget.

Recent Posts by Veronica Lind:

Love + Profit = Happy Business

I talk to small business owners everyday and tell me if you're feeling this too.

  1. Your business has become a job which does not pay well.
  2. You are not attracting the right customers so they’re not buying your products
  3. You are not commanding the price that you deserve
  4. You are not delivering to customers what you promise

It sounds like you may have a broken business model. If so, the best marketing in the world will not get you better business or better profit in the long term, except a whole heap of frustration.

Topics: Small Business Marketing happy business business strategy

Delivering business value in modern marketing - Creativity vs Content

Every marketer is expected to be highly creative and to create highly creative content. For several years, there was a huge hype on Content Marketing which Content Marketing Institute defines as ‘a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.’

Topics: B2B lead generation Content Marketing modern marketing

6 marketing metrics that will prove your Marketing RoI

73% of executives don’t believe that marketing drives demand and revenue. As a business owner and marketing professional, I sometimes wonder why we do marketing at all if most executives don't believe in marketing. Maybe marketing works and we as marketers are not presenting the results of marketing to prove its return on investment (RoI).

Topics: B2B marketing B2B lead generation marketing metrics analytics marketing and sales alignment
Vermilion Marketing | inbound sales, marketing and communications services for Port Macquarie businesses Vermilion Pinstripes | Everything you want to know about modern marketing techniques to grow your businesses in Port Macquarie Australia and Singapore