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Modern Marketing Blogs by Vermilion Pinstripes

Charlene Tan

Recent Posts by Charlene Tan:

Running, running a marketing campaign and a business (or two!)

Running wasn’t a habit I fell into. It was one I deliberately developed over 6 years or so. I hated running but saw the value of it in a life I hope to sustain for a while. And so, I got a running coach who built a simple and achievable plan which then, made me into a runner. So many years on, my coach is still my coach but my running distances have gotten far longer with a half marathon next month.

I see now that my running journey wasn’t an accident - things in life rarely are! When I embarked on this journey, I wasn’t planning on relocating to a new country or running a business. But here I am, doing both in a new city.

Running has graced me with the tools and attitude to pummel through challenges I don’t expect, like when the pipeline gets low but the task list gets high. Running reminds me of the three game-changing things I can do now to serve the future (that worrying just can’t).

Topics: business confidence modern marketing women in modern marketing

The Power of Brand Messaging

Does your brand have a voice?

Messaging provides the words for customers to understand your brand. Your messaging tells them why your business is useful to them and what your business believes in. This is essentially the purpose of your business. It is what drives desire for your products and services. 

Topics: integrated messaging Brand modern marketing
Vermilion Marketing | inbound sales, marketing and communications services for Port Macquarie businesses Vermilion Pinstripes | Everything you want to know about modern marketing techniques to grow your businesses in Port Macquarie Australia and Singapore