• Sell Without Selling with TED, a strategic sales approach by Vermilion Pinstripes
TED Targeting Enablement Demand a strategic sales approach by Vermilion Pinstripes



A strategic sales approach to help you sell more without selling

If you are a B2B company with complex sales deals, then this Sales Empowerment Programme is for you. This strategic sales approach appeals to sales teams who -

  • sell to more than one company client member
  • provide solutions with more than one product and service
  • work with various team members or business partners to deliver a client solution
  • have long sales cycle

This approach consists of a number of workshops and working strategically with your sales, marketing and communications teams to enhance current sales.

What do we hope to achieve with this strategic sales approach?

  • Quick wins: Identify possible sales that will close this year and workshop an intimate and intense proposition to close the sale.
  • Nurturing sales leads: Identify leads in the 10-24 months sales cycle and workshop how sales and marketing communications can align to shorten sales cycle.
  • Seeding future leads: Sales and marketing communications discussions to attract the right segment and audience for better outreach so as to build a healthy sales pipeline.

TED is Targeting, Enablement and Demand

TED combines the art and science of selling without selling. Our TED (Targeting, Enablement, Demand) sales approach is a strategic one that works with you. Vermilion Pinstripes recommends a strategic sales approach called TED which aligns sales and marketing communications to TARGET the right segment and audience with the highest propensity to buy; ENABLE teams with timely, logical and emotional content and value propositions that align with your business and clients' needs; work with Marketing and Communications teams to create DEMAND and sales messaging in the market and deals you wish to invest in.

Pre-work from all participants will be necessary before the workshop to make this team approach successful.

Your Sales Consultant - Veronica Lind
Veronica Lind is the Sales and Marketing Strategist at Vermilion Pinstripes. Now based in Australia, Veronica helps businesses meet challenges of rapid changes in the behaviour of B2B buyers. Her background as an entrepreneur, technologist and international sales and marketing professional allows her to have a 360 degree vision across the various elements required in Modern Sales and Marketing. For Veronica, businesses need an open mindset of taking the logical, emotional and algorithmic aspects to win in the market place. Veronica is especially proud of Vermilion Pinstripes' Modern Marketing Framework (MMF) where TED as part of MMF aligns sales and marketing activities. TED has assisted global companies to identify, nurture and close large deals confidently.

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Vermilion Marketing | inbound sales, marketing and communications services for Port Macquarie businesses